
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Chimp Conference...

Interesting post on the Gombe Chimpanzee Blog.
Too bad the text is not available in the blog. I mean, i love Google Earth but my laptop is slow, so i don't want to launch it just to read a blog post. Hopefully, Google maps now reads kmz files:
http://www.janegoodall.org/news/gombe-blog/New-Postings/August06/08-29-06.kmz - Google Maps

un extrait du post:
"Today was the first day of the conference and it started with a bang. It was an exciting morning as Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni spoke with us during the opening of the meeting. It was certainly an honor for him to join us and it was reassuring to hear him speak about his commitment to conservation in Uganda, a place of rich primate diversity. Dr. Jane Goodall also spoke to the congress. In her tradition, she opened her speech by giving a pant-hoot, the chimpanzee greeting, and invited the congress attendees to respond with the answer of their study species. It was wild to hear the entire conference answer Jane! It was most moving to hear Jane talk about her experiences over the years and how the field of primatology has grown from her first meeting of just 10 scientists in the 1960s to an international meeting of more than 700 people in 2006."

I really love Google maps, look at these 2 links:
Overview of the posts location in Africa
Zoom on the Chimpanzee's habitat. woaw, the nice beach...

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