
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Google embedded maps

It's finally there, and i had to test...

Here's my notes on Paris map:

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I recently found the mapplet to add the Paris Metro lines. Quite useful but waiting for a better one.
It look like this:
ouuuuuuups! no sorry, that map can't be embedded. that's really too bad!

I'm also announcing that I'm now renting a small apartment in Paris (see on the map "my place"), since yesterday. Slept there last night, now I have to get Internet there so I can feel at home.

PS: I already embedded a map recently through a third party website. It was good that this map is updated when i'm doing change to the original Google My Map. Should be the same here. testing...

- I don't like that the zoom scale is the "minimum" one. I'd like to be able to choose.
- I was having a look at my map tagged posts. It's looking good to see all these maps. I could see a difference in some china maps as the Google data has improved (not only satellite pics anymore). Wikimapia also improved. Have also been over at tagzania. He's terrible to have to make a choice between 2 great services. Tagzania have some great features (tag, comments, send to twitter...)

[update 2]
- Just found some Vélib' data. The Vélib' KML file for Google Earth is quite great.

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